• In cognitivism, instructional strategies such as using relevant examples or analogies to deepen memory often do not allow us to store knowledge in the brain for a longer period. Students tend to forget the knowledge that they were not often used. So in the learning process, relevant examples and analogies may allow us to recall the content of the knowledge for a short time. It is because we didn’t find knowledge really useful in our inner world. Thus these memories won’t be activated in the future. It is even more unreasonable as to how to apply it in different situations in the future.
  • In the contents of cognitivism in the article, I don’t quite understand the article’s constant emphasis on learners’ mental activities, such as the internal structure of the brain (Ertmer& Newby, 2013). Through ‘the environment’ provided in the following reading, such as the outline provided by the professor, and the learning aid map, to help learners digest and absorb knowledge and to ensure that the learners’ memory will be activated in the future, I understand the importance of the learner’s brain in processing knowledge.
  • In my economics class study, there have been many times I feel unfamiliar with some discipline-specific terms. But studying for the ensuing exams helped me digest this new knowledge quickly in a short period of time. First of all, the method I adopted for studying was behaviorism, using a large number of exercises to practice my resilience to similar questions. For example, in multiple-choice questions, reading the answers to the correct options deepens my memory and allows me to respond quickly and easily in similar circumstances.
  • I want to share my learning experience in Eco 305. In this course, I use preview more than the lecture taught by the professor that day for review. I would preview the next day’s lecture. This way, when the professor was in class, I could deepen my memory. The motivation for me to preview was that I was really into this course and had my personal experience of the knowledge I have learned, so I was relaxed and proficient in applying Eco 305 in exams or future life.
  • Behaviorists will prepare a large number of weather change exercises to simulate similar environments to ensure that learners can get the correct response. Cognitivists will pay attention to learning strategies and present different weather types and methods more clearly and intuitively to ensure the construction of knowledge in the learners’ brains. Constructivists will provide learners with real experiences, such as real weather changes, to ensure that learners can effectively use knowledge in real life.
  • Behaviorism: Do a lot of practice questions before the test in order to choose the correct answer for the test. Cognitivism: I listed the knowledge points in the pre-exam review of Eco 204, and drew family and company flow charts to remember them more easily later. Constructivism: Using my own experience of going to a gas station to judge whether the price of gas is higher than before the Russo-Ukraine War
  • I am currently more inclined to constructivism. In my perspective, personal experience allows me to have a basic judgment on the accuracy of knowledge, which is more conducive to deepening my memory and understanding of knowledge. For example, there is no right answer to many questions, such as whether I should buy a certain stock, as everyone has independent opinions. We cannot criticize other people’s opinions because each opinion is based on our own experience.


Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (2018). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. In R. West (Ed.), Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: Historical Roots and Current Trends. https://edtechbooks.org/lidtfoundations/behaviorism_cognitivism_constructivism


  1. Anastassiya

    Hi Xinrong! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the three learning theories. I also appreciate your examples. You mentioned that in cognitivism, “relevant examples and analogies may allow us to recall the content of the knowledge for a short time, but we cannot really remember it for a long time.” In fact, that’s where appropriate cognitivist approaches come to play and activate our brain to recall, retain and transfer knowledge, stimulate prior learning, create the context for interpreting new knowledge and the structure to hold it, etc.

    Some common cognitivist teaching strategies include using graphic organizers, providing opportunities for reflection and self-assessment, and using problem-based learning activities. These strategies help learners to make connections between new information and their existing knowledge, improve their ability to remember and apply what they have learned and develop critical thinking skills.

  2. liuziyi1116

    Hi Rosina,
    I am impressed by how you learn about the unfamiliar terms in economics lessons. I also learn as a behaviorist as you. I think reinforcement is very important to knowledge acquisition. After we get practices about the definition, we can get visual feedback about the results. And then I can aim at my shortcomings and spend more time learning the knowledge. However, I think as learning designers, we should also pay attention to students’ previous experience and link them to the knowledge we plan. In the cognitivism theory, the students’ mental activities are important. When teachers take it into consideration, students would tend to actively interact with the learning process and regard knowledge acquisition.

  3. Lidong pi

    Hi xinrongz

    I agree with your question about cognitivism. Because I also had the same question when I was reading, the importance of psychology was repeatedly emphasized in the article. Psychological factors are one of the main factors that separate behaviorism and cognitivism. Compares with the external behavior training of behaviorism, cognitivism pay more attention on psychology. Teachers should pay more attention to the psychological changes of learners. Such as changes in mood, attitude, values. An environment suitable for learners should also be created during the teaching process. Let learners build their own knowledge network in their minds.

    In the last study, I also studied ECON305. The professor’s teaching style is unique. Is the use of lesson plans, preview teaching methods. The preview in advance also helped me a lot, allowing me to quickly respond to the teacher’s questions in class.

  4. lidongpi

    Hi xinrongz

    I agree with your question about cognitivism. Because I also had the same question when I was reading, the importance of psychology was repeatedly emphasized in the article. Psychological factors are one of the main factors that separate behaviorism and cognitivism. Compares with the external behavior training of behaviorism, cognitivism pay more attention on psychology. Teachers should pay more attention to the psychological changes of learners. Such as changes in mood, attitude, values. An environment suitable for learners should also be created during the teaching process. Let learners build their own knowledge network in their minds.

    In the last study, I also studied ECON305. The professor’s teaching style is unique. Is the use of lesson plans, preview teaching methods. The preview in advance also helped me a lot, allowing me to quickly respond to the teacher’s questions in class.

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